Labrador Retriever:
The Labrador Retriever (also Labrador, or Lab for short) is one of several kinds of retriever, a type of gun dog. The Labrador, once known as the Lesser Newfoundland, is the most popular breed of dog (by registered ownership) in the world, and is by a large margin the most popular breed by registration in the United States (since 1991),and the United Kingdom.It is also the most popular breed of assistance dog in the United States, Australia, and many other countries, as well as being widely used by police and other official bodies for their detection and working abilities.They are exceptionally affable, gentle, intelligent, energetic, and good-natured,and Labradors are generally considered good companions for people of all ages (due to a high level of patience and tolerance for children),making them both excellent companions and working dogs. With training, the Labrador is one of the most dependable, obedient, and multitalented breeds in the world.

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greyhound:The greyhound is a breed of hunting dog that has been primarily bred for coursing game and racing, but with a recent resurgence of popularity increasingly as a pedigree show dog and family pet. It is a soft and intelligent breed that often becomes attached to its owners. It is the fastest breed of dog.[1] A combination of long, powerful legs, deep chest, flexible spine and slim build allows it to reach speeds of around 70 kilometres per hour (43 mph)

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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small breed of dog of Spaniel type, usually considered one of the toy dog breeds. It is a small spaniel with a substantial silky coat of moderate length, often with a mild wave, and long ears. Four colours (Blenheim, Tricolour, Black and Tan, and Ruby) are recognized. The breed originated in the 20th century but has its roots in the older King Charles Spaniel of the Restoration.

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Golden Retriever:The Golden Retriever is a breed of dog, historically developed as a gundog to retrieve shot waterfowl and upland game during hunting.As such they were bred to have a soft mouth to retrieve game undamaged and an instinctive love of water.Their intelligence and versatility sees them employed in a variety of roles including illegal drug detection, search and rescue, as hunting dogs and as guide dogs. Its friendly, eager-to-please and patient demeanor[original research?] has made it one of the most popular family dogs (by registration) in the world.

photos of golden retriever puppy/puppies wallpapers

images of golden retriever dog/pups/puppies wallpapers gallery
Stray Dog:Kurosawa mentioned in several interviews that his script was inspired by the work of Georges Simenon, without noting a particular work of the latter. There are similarities between the plot of Stray Dog and Simenon's Maigret novel "Maigret's Revolver", most notably that both stories involve a gun stolen from a policeman and the sequence of crimes committed with it. However, Maigret's gun is stolen from his home while he is away, not lifted directly from his person. Further, "Maigret's Revolver" was not published until 1952, three years after Stray Dog.

stray dog and pups pictures/photos
Border CollieThe Border Collie is a breed of herding dog that originated along the borders of England, Wales and Scotland. They are anecdotally considered to be among the most intelligent breed of dog in the world when measuring herding ability.These highly energetic dogs are often considered the world's best sheep herding dogs; they can be hyperactive and are frequently used on farms all over the world to assist with the handling of livestock. While originally bred for farm work, they have also become popular as pet and sport dogs. These dogs can be protective of a human family member and are, most of the time, affectionate to those they know. Border Collies must be carefully trained with a lot of physical exercise and mental stimulation included in their daily schedules.

border collie pictures/border collie pups

border collie puppy with rabbit/border collie puppies
Border Terrier:A Border Terrier is a small, rough-coated breed of dog of the terrier group. Originally bred as fox and vermin hunters, Border Terriers share ancestry with Dandie Dinmont Terriers and Bedlington Terriers.[1]
Though the breed is much older, the Border Terrier was officially recognized by the The Kennel Club in Great Britain in 1920, and by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1930.
In 2006, the Border Terrier ranked 81st in number of registrations by the AKC [2], while it ranked 10th in the United Kingdom

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